Welcome to CitySpaceAstro astrophotography gallery! All images have been captured by me from the Bortle 6 rated skies of Chelmsford, Essex, UK except where stated.
Equipment used includes a Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro mount, scopes such as the Skywatcher Esprit 100 ED Triplet, Celestron Nexstar 6SE, and a William Optics ZS61
Cameras included the Canon 450D, Canon 600D Astro modified, ZWO ASI 294 MC Pro, ZWO ASI 585 MC, and Celestron NexImage Burst.
All images have been processed using PhotoShop, Affinity Photo and PixInsight software.
Part of the Solar System
NGC 2264 - Christmas Tree Cluster
Ghost Nebula
M78 - January 2024
Tarantula Nebula - Telescope Live Data
NGC 6188 - Fighting Dragons of Ara - Telescope Live Data
Veil Nebula
Crescent Nebula
Dark Shark Nebula
NGC7000 The Cygnus wall
Squid Nebula
Lowers Nebula
Sh2 101 The Tulip Nebula
The Pelican Nubula
The Veil Nebula
Comet E3 ZTF
The first eight days of Supernova SN2023ixf
Jelly Fish Nebula
The Helix Nebula
Partial eclipse Oct 20222
Bubble & Claw Nebula~Martin Bracken & Rob Davis
Andromeda Galaxy
Dumbbell Nebula
Eagle Nebula
Heart & Soul Nebula
Veil Mosaic - Martin Bracken & Rob Davis
Seagull Nebula
Eastern Veil Nebula
Rosette Nebula
Elephant's Trunk Nebula
Horsehead and Flame Nebula
Jupiter Ganymeade and Io
Monkey Head Nebula
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula
Cats Eye Nebula
M81 - Bodes Galaxy
Whale Galaxy
Hockey Stick Galaxy
Veil Nebula
Comet Neowise
Comet Neowise
Wizard Nebula
Jupiter Rising over Suffolk
California Nebula
Jellyfish Nebula
M81 Bodes Galaxy
Flaming Star Galaxy
Spider Nebula